Wsearch is a windows program that is used to display mass spectral data that has been acquired on any of a number of commercial mass spectrometry instruments. It supports a large number of file formats and also two mass spectral library formats. Currently there are three versions of Wsearch.
WsearchVS2020 Freeware software for data reduction of mass spectrometry data files.
WsearchProVS2020 Similar
to WsearchVS2020. However has extended functions. Including File export. So you can
export any of your currently viewable data files to Agilent Chemstation Format,
netCDF format, mzXML or Excel *.csv format. Also includes Batch processing functions to enable you to process
a large number of files automatically.
Note please email me if you are interested.
PyrosearchVS2020 Similar to
WsearchVS2020. However this has
been modified for Researchers using a pyrolysis probe on their mass
spectrometers. It basically allows you to create chromatogram libraries of
different polymers etc and allows you to search unknown compounds against the
created chromatogram library.
Note please email me if you are interested.
Mass Spectrometry tools Freeware calculators.
Molecular Weight Calculator
Calculates monoisotopic weight, Average mass, Mass Percent and isotopic
Elemental Composition
Calculator Calculates possible formula from a given exact mass.
Electrospray Modeller This
tool gives isotopic distribution of common Electrospray adducts.
Mass Spectral Libraries Some free Electron impact mass spectral libraries.