WsearchPro2020 is mass spectral data reduction
program that should run under Windows 10
WsearchPro2020 is a mass
spectral data reduction package that can read native mass spectral file formats
produced by mass spectrometer manufactured by Agilent, Thermo Finnigan, Waters
Micromass, Bruker, Perkin-Elmer, Shimadzu, Joel and others.
WsearchPro is descended from WsearchVS2020 which can be downloaded from and
used free of charge to view and manipulate mass spectral data files. Users
should first download and try WseachVS2020 before ordering WsearchPro.
WsearchPro2020 has the
following extended features from that of Wsearch32.
export features: You can save your files to Excel (*.CSV), Agilent Chemstation, netCDF
and mzXML file
Wizard: Lets you select any number of files for batch processing
Currently allowing batch export to Excel, Agilent Chemstation, netCDF and
mzXML formats.
Chromatogram batch printing.
Batch Integration printing or saving.
Batch TIC and ion plot saving to Excel *.csv.
Batch Library searching.
- Print
Report features:
Lets you print all your MDI child windows onto one page. Hence
what you have on the screen can be printed to a single page. Which includes
multiple chromatograms and multiple spectra.
- Image
Save feature:
Lets you save an image to file as a bmp (bitmap) or emf (enhanced
meta file) format.
- Auto
Allows you to set auto-integration upon opening a file.
- Ion Plot
Allows you to export selected masses from Mass Intensity listing
to Excel or text formats.
- Electrospray Modeling tool.
Various screen shots
Current capabilities
File Types Supported |
Display Capabilities |
Mass Spectral Libraries
Supported |
- Kratos DS90
- AEI DS55
- Kratos Mach3 (*.run)
- Agilent Chemstation (
- Agilent LC/MS (
- HP Pascal. (*.d)
- Varian Saturn (*.ms, *.sms)
- Finnigan ITS40 (*.ms)
- Finnigan Magnum (*.ms)
- Finnigan ICIS (*.dat)
- Finnigan ITDS (*.dat)
- Finnigan Xcalibur (*.raw)
- Shrader (*.lrp)
- JCAMP_DX (*.dx, *.jdx)
- netCDF (*.cdf)
- Joel (*.lrp)
- mzXML (*.xml, *.mzxml)
- Masslynx (*.raw)
- PE TurboMass (*.raw)
- Bruker XMASS
- Shimadzu (*.R##)
- Shows chromatograms
- Shows File header details
- Shows ion plots
- Peak averaging
- Background subtraction
- Manual, Auto peak integration
- Displays spectra
- Displays library match's
- clipboard support
- text export( TIC, ionplot, all spectra)
- Mouse wheel support for expanding/contracting chromatograms and spectra.
- Elemental Composition Tool
- Isotope Profile Tool
- Molecular Weight Calc
- Electrospray Modeler tool
- Kratos DS90 (eg NBSLIB2)
- HP Chemstation (eg NBS75K.L) (RMIT.L)
(exports to)
You can purchase WsearchPro2020 using Paypal. Once I confirm payment I will
email you wsearchPro
to obtain purchase details.
last updated:
Tuesday, August 31, 2021